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Bedside blood testing with interventional treatment to eliminate need for ED conveyance for older people



Letterkenny Pathfinder Team (LKPF)






Twenty-three patients in a 5-month period conveyed to ED with low acuity dehydrations and infections from LKPF. These patients were discharged within a 24-48 hour period.



Advanced paramedics have the scope to cannulate and administer IV medications, i.e. fluids, ceftriaxone, and ondansetron. Though only if patient was conveying to ED.

A Quality Improvement proposal was completed for the introduction of bedside blood tests to provide a basic U&E and lactate in the hope to manage these low acuity patients at home rather than the usual conveyance to ED. This will be achieved in collaboration with the patients GP.



The overall benefits will hopefully impact many:

1. ED department, reducing low acuity patients in the ED and allowing sicker patients to be seen.

2. The GP in the community can provide more care to their patients through this service.

3. Ambulance crews will be free to convey higher acuity patients to hospital.

4. The patient involved to receive this care in the comfort of their home and familiar surroundings, as the impact of long waiting times in ED for these patients are known to be detrimental. 

We aim to assess 50 patients with blood testing at home in a 10-month period who show signs of dehydration/ infection.

KPIs will include:

Time spent with a patient requiring blood testing compared to a non-blood tested patient;

Patient feedback forms; and

GP surveys.

These data sources will all be analysed for qualitative research and improvement of service.

We believe this service is getting the right care in the right place at the right time for our patients


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